Remember all those photos you’ve been keeping on your phone? Or the posters waiting in their tubes. It’s time to give them a place on your walls.
UX&UI Design
Type of Work
Responsive Web
Thanks to our smartphones, we have never taken so many photos, but when was the last time you printed that particular moment after you posted on Instagram? And can you actually find that perfect frame for the poster you bought months ago? The team behind Frame wanted to give the credit those pieces deserve, so they handcrafted their frames and asked us to handcraft their website for their first ever release.

As with all other projects, wireframing is the part where we spend the most time, solve challenges and make the initial usability tests to make sure everything works for each user type.

Frame’s main focus group was young adults that care about aesthetics and making the space they live in a better-looking place. Yeah, the people living in ‘Pinterest homes’. Modern, bold, not afraid. That’s why we created strong and brave brand language for the product itself.

Sans Serif, Base Font

Right from the landing page, we allowed users to start creating their frames without the need to create an account. We knew from our user research study that many people would like to see how it works before they commit their valuable time, so we wanted to start exploring what we made for them instantly. Even if the user would leave the website without finishing the funnel, they’d be able to continue from where they left off. Also, right before the checkout, they’ll be asked to sign up. Thanks to our advanced tools, we even gave the opportunity to apply filters and adjust the photos.

Here is the challenging and fun part to help users spend the minimum time to achieve their goal. With the different view modes, we allowed users to see base frame options they have the way they like and customise the frames from the same page so they can quickly preview what they build.

When uploading more than one photos, we asked users if they want to create a set of frames to be used together, a gallery as we called it, or if they want to use them separately. From there, we take them to different flows where they can customise their frames individually or as a batch.

We make it so that users could sign up or chose to complete their order as a guest, all they need would be filling the shipping details and payment information. A hassle-free experience to apply a discount code or make changes at the last minute.

Although the case study was focused on the first-time user journey, we also worked on the returning user screens to make sure users can track their past orders or create new projects form their library with existing photos and saved frame profiles.

Did you like what we have done for Frame?
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